

We have also organized a series of trainings in professional journalism. Our goal is to reach a level of professional journalism and investigative spirit among the Kosovo reporters.

Introduction to Journalism – Public Education Skills

One trainer from the Faculty of Journalism in Bosnia was invited to provide a five day training on the “Role of Public Education and Course of Journalism”. This was considered to be a much needed training, as it represents the beginning of the exchange of experiences between Kosovan and Bosnian reporters.

Diction and Articulation 

One of the most important elements in radio-journalism is appropriate articulation. This was the aim our trainings in diction and articulation. Training was provided by a renowned Kosovo actor.

On-Line Journalism 

One of the newest forms in journalism is Online Journalism.

This requires extensive computer knowledge, particularly in the use of Internet. Different forms of finding information in the World Wide Web and ways to distinguish safe sources from others were among the topics addressed in the training.

Since the time when Internet was introduced in Kosovo, this training was attended by a larger number of reporters with a high interest.

Direct Radio Reporting 

One of the most important aspects in radio journalism is the “live” reporting technique. “Live” reporting from press conferences, sport events, or impromptu live reporting always requires specific journalism skills and techniques. Keeping calm, secure and refraining from reporting unconfirmed stories were topics addressed in the training.

One-Man-Band Radio Training 

This was the most requested training in Internews Kosova. This training provides the skills necessary for radio journalists in realizing fully independent radio programmes.

Although it seems complicated, it is possible – and we have all done it. In addition to increasing the quality of the programme, this method reduces costs of production.

Reporting on Peace 

Two sessions of nine days introduced specialized training on conflict reporting and the role that media can play in ‘cooling the temperature’ and promoting dialogue-oriented solutions within the community. Such an approach requires high journalistic standards in determining what comprises news. This training is especially designed by Internews.