Internews Kosova holds training with students of gymnasium “17 shkurti” in Obiliq

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Internews Kosova holds training with students of gymnasium “17 shkurti” in Obiliq

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On May 29, 2024 Internews Kosova held a training session with students of the “17 shkurti” high school in the municipality of Obiliq.

The training was held as part of the “ – The Anti-corruption platform /Crowdsourcing Citizen Engagement to Report and Fight Corruption” project funded by UNDP, and was aimed at students of Kosovo’s state-run high schools that are interested in undergoing training in media production, media literacy, ethics, tackling fake news, and producing videos.

A total of 20 students from the high school 17 shkurti participated in the training, 12 of whom were women.

At the end of the training session, youngsters pitched their journalistic ideas, which the Internews Kosova team will collect and thoroughly analyze before selecting the articles and other materials that will be published on the online platform KallxoRinia (Kallxo Youth). The production of all of these articles will be overseen by a team of editors.